What is Pavlov?

Pavlov is a VR shooter game which some would consider a combination up of CSGO and GMOD. This is because of its search and destroy game mode as well as its community servers

How long will it take for me to recieve my Pavlov Server?

It usually takes around a day, but in some instances could take about 48 hours

What is RCON?

RCON is a Remote CONtrol to your Pavlov Server, it allows to control absolutely everything

How do I use RCON in my Pavlov Server?

You can use RCON through the website PavlovRCON.com

Do I need a computer for the Pavlov Server?

No, everything can be done through PavlovRCON.com

How do I add Mods to my Pavlov Server?

Some mods may vary so make sure you read the mod description, but usually, to add mods to your pavlov server, you will use an RCON command which is "UGCAddMod UGCresourceid" (replace resource id with the one on MODIO)

How do I use a custom Gamemode on my Pavlov Server?

If your map doesnt already include a custom gamemode, then you can follow this command "AddMapRotation mapUGCresourceID gamemodeUGCresourceID" (Replace BOTH resource IDs with their respective ID of the map and gamemode you want to use.)

How do I use my own maps on my Pavlov Server?

Put UGC before the resource ID that you obtain from modio, then you put this in the server rotation. All of this is explained in the below video.